We apparently have bleeding heart bushes scattered along the side of the house -- a pleasant surprise today, considering three days ago they were red stalks in the ground we almost weed-whacked.

I'm not really a tulip person, but these red ones are so eye-catching, I can't help but smile on my way to the back door.

These golden fields are directly in my peripheral vision from my desk at ye olde home office and I had to break down and just stand by the fencerow taking in our amazing scenery.

My lettuce is growing!
::Sticks tongue out at elderly neighbors who told her she was planting veggies too early::
And the townspeople screamed, "Hoorah! Salads for all!"

Call me a City Girl, but I've never actually seen the Momma Bird manning the nest. This lovely lady has been perched on her babies on a corner of our front porch for at least a week now. Grow little tweeters, grow!
I *love* this time of year...
...If only it weren't 127 degrees with 400 percent humidity.
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